About us

Operating from the school year 2020-2021, PennSchool is proud to be the ideal school for students to enhance students’ potential in an international environment.


Pennschool provides high-quality academic programs integrated with prestigious American educational programs in a comprehensive bilingual environment, preparing students with the optimal foundation to become talented and confident global leaders in the future.


PennSchool has rolling enrollment throughout the year at all grades and the Admissions Team will provide a supportive and experience which help parents to have the best decisions.

Our Services

PennSchool offers a wide range of support services to ensure the students’ physical and mental health, helping them to learn and experience effectively.

News & Events

The latest events and news at PennSchool will be continuously updated to provide the useful information for students and parents.

Student Life

Not only improving knowledge, PennSchool students also participate in many extra activities, helping to build essential skills for the future.

Hall Of Fame

PennSchool is proud to train the next generations who are happy learners, discover, find the joy of learning and become lifelong learners.



Confirmation for Covid-19 Vaccination For Students

    * Tất cả trường đều bắt buộc/ All fields are required.

    1. Tiêm chủng vắc xin là biện pháp phòng bệnh hiệu quả, tuy nhiên vắc xin phòng COVID-19 có thể không phòng được bệnh hoàn toàn. Người được tiêm chủng vắc xin phòng COVID-19 đủ liều có thể phòng được bệnh hoặc giảm mức độ nặng nếu mắc COVID-19. Sau khi được tiêm vắc xin phòng COVID- 19 cần thực hiện đầy đủ Thông điệp 5K phòng, chống dịch COVID-19.
      Vaccination is an effective way to prevent disease, but a vaccine against COVID-19 may not completely prevent the disease. People who receive a full dose of COVID-19 vaccine can prevent or reduce the severity of the disease if they get COVID-19. After being vaccinated against COVID-19, it is necessary to fully comply with the 5K Message on COVID-19 prevention and control.

    2. Tiêm chủng vắc xin phòng COVID-19 có thể gây ra một số biểu hiện tại chỗ tiêm hoặc toàn thân như sưng, đau chỗ tiêm, nhức đầu, buồn nôn, sốt, đau cơ…hoặc tai biến nặng sau tiêm chủng.Vaccination against COVID-19 can cause some manifestations at the injection site or the whole body such as swelling, pain at the injection site, headache, nausea, fever, muscle pain... or serious complications after vaccination.

    3. Khi có triệu chứng bất thường về sức khỏe, người được tiêm chủng cần liên hệ với cơ sở y tế gần nhất để được tư vấn, khám và điều trị kịp thời. Sau khi đã đọc các thông tin nêu trên, tôi đã hiểu về các nguy cơ và:
      When having abnormal health symptoms, you should contact the nearest medical facility for timely advice and treatment. After reading the above information, I understand the risks and:

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