About us

Operating from the school year 2020-2021, PennSchool is proud to be the ideal school for students to enhance students’ potential in an international environment.


Pennschool provides high-quality academic programs integrated with prestigious American educational programs in a comprehensive bilingual environment, preparing students with the optimal foundation to become talented and confident global leaders in the future.


PennSchool has rolling enrollment throughout the year at all grades and the Admissions Team will provide a supportive and experience which help parents to have the best decisions.

Our Service

PennSchool offers a wide range of support services to ensure the students’ physical and mental health, helping them to learn and experience effectively.

News & Events

The latest events and news at PennSchool will be continuously updated to provide the useful information for students and parents.

Student Life

Not only improving knowledge, PennSchool students also participate in many extra activities, helping to build essential skills for the future.

Hall Of Fame

PennSchool is proud to train the next generations who are happy learners, discover, find the joy of learning and become lifelong learners.



Admission Process

Welcome and thank you for your interest in Pennsylvania American International School (PennSchool). We are looking forward to being a part of your child’s educational journey.

We understand that choosing the right school for your child is an extremely important decision to make. We look forward to meeting you and discussing more details about the learning program and environment at PennSchool.

The school tour will be available after 5PM working days or 8AM to 3PM every Saturday. Click here to schedule a tour and receive further information.

Parents and students will be consulted about the learning programs, admission process, facilities, extracurricular activities, admission requirements, school rules, fees, transportation, summer courses based on official policies of PennSchool and the Vietnam Minister of Education and Training (MOET).

Students of all grade levels, when registering for the entrance test, will attend an interview with the School Counsellor.

Preschool and Year 1 students

An entrance test for Integrated Bilingual program will be an interview with Vietnamese and foreign teachers.

An entrance test for International program will be an interview with foreign teachers.

An entrance for the Penn Standards program test will be an interview with Vietnamese and foreign teachers.

From Year 2 and higher

An entrance exam will be different between International programs and Integrated Bilingual program:

  • For Integrated Bilingual program

– Prospective students will take a paper test in bilingual and an interview in English. The paper test will examine students’ ability in English, Mathematics and Literature (in Vietnamese).

– Duration: 2-3 hours

– Exam date: Please contact the Admissions Department to receive an appropriate entrance exam schedule

  • For International programs

– Prospective students will take a paper test in English and an interview in English. The paper test will examine students’ ability in Mathematics and English.

– Duration: 2-3 hours

– Exam date: Please contact the Admissions Department to receive an appropriate entrance exam schedule

  • For Penn Standard programs

– Prospective students will take a bilingual paper test and an English interview. The paper-based test will examine students’ abilities in Mathematics, English, and Vietnamese/Language Arts (in Vietnamese).

– Duration: 2 – 3 hours

– Exam date: Please contact the Admissions Department to receive an appropriate entrance exam schedule.

The admissions result is based on the results of the entrance exam, comments from the Academic Council, and the numbers of available seats at that time. The result or Letter of Offer will be informed to parents within a minimum of 3-5 working days.

The Academic Council includes the Head of School, International Program Principal and program coordinators.

Once you receive a Letter of Offer, parents must submit Admission Fee within 5 days for enrollment confirmation and reserve your child’s seat.

Please contact the Admission Office for the enrollment guide, information and forms.

Required Documentation:

No. List of Documents Preschool, Grade 1 Grade 2 and above
1 Application form x x
2 A notarized copy of birth certificate x x
3 A copy of passport (for foreign students) x x
4 A copy of Parent’s ID card on both sides x x
5 A copy of residence information verification form x x
6 Medical records x x
7 An original transcript/Transcript of the most recent 3 academic years x
8 School Transfer Recommendation Letter x
9 A certificate of completion in primary program (for students entering Year 6 in the Vietnam-American Integrated Bilingual Program) x
10 A diploma or temporary graduation certificate in secondary school program (for students entering Year 10 in the Vietnam-American Integrated Bilingual Program) x

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