Mid-Autumn Festival 2024
Goals & Objectives
Embracing the vibrant atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the PennSchool community will celebrate this special event along with an unforgettable Field Trip themed “Once in the Blue Moon.” This event promises memorable experiences and a variety of exciting activities, making it a truly unique adventure.
PennSchool hopes that this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival activities will deepen our students’ appreciation for traditional cultural values while instilling a sense of pride in their cultural heritage. Through this event, our students can express themselves as confident global citizens who respect and embrace the diverse cultures of the world.
All students from Preschool to Grade 12
14/09/2024: Parents and students participate in the Mooncake Making Workshop.
09/09 – 16/09/2024: Each class participates in a big star lantern-making workshop.
17 & 18/09/2024: Mid-Autumn Festival at City Park
- Join in traditional and modern Mid-Autumn Festival games, enjoy exciting games at Game City Park.
- Indulge in traditional and modern foods.
- Watch performances related to the Mid-Autumn Festival.
- Enjoy an interesting play, professionally prepared and staged.
- Experience the splendor of the Dragon Dance.
- Participate in the lantern parade.