School Year Exhibition 2022 – 2023
Goals & Objectives
Another summer is coming which makes us realize that PennSchool community is about to say goodbye to the academic year 2022 – 2023. This school year, with the theme “Go Eagles! Dare to be Leaders” has officially ended, marking a challenging and memorable educational milestone.
In order to acknowledge the achievements and proud efforts of the students in this academic year, PennSchool will organize a School Year Exhibition with the theme “Soar High Eagles!”. This event will provide an opportunity for PennSchool community to reflect on the students’ impressive journey in academic and artistic pursuits throughout the past year. Moreover, it will be a chance for the school to honor students who have demonstrated academic excellence.
All students in grades 1 – 12, for both Bilingual and International programs
- Exhibition of the students’ academic projects
- Students’ art performances
- Principal’s Honor Roll Award