Goals & Objectives
Debate Elite Tournament is a debating competition for students in Grades 3 – 12, introduced for the first time at PennSchool in the academic year 2023 – 2024.
The Debate Elite Tournament, with the theme “Navigating the Digital Era: Balancing Progress and Well-Being,” aims to encourage students to challenge themselves, enhance essential skills, and increase opportunities for connections within the PennSchool community.
Beyond being a competition, the Debate Elite Tournament supports students in developing debate skills, honing critical thinking, and improving effective communication. Through the process of research and application, students have the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the ever-evolving digital world.
All students from Grades 3 – 12
The Debate Elite Tournament Activities will consist of one Kick-off Meeting and three official rounds: the School Round, Semi-final Round and the Final Round.