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Operating from the school year 2020-2021, PennSchool is proud to be the ideal school for students to enhance students’ potential in an international environment.


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School Year Exhibition 2023 – 2024 “Eagle Leaders: Journey to Young Digital Citizens”

Nội dung bài viết

    As one of the important events closing the academic year 2023 – 2024, the School Year Exhibition “Eagle Leaders: Journey to Young Digital Citizens” promises to leave unforgettable impressions on #HomeOfTheEagles, teachers, and family.

    The academic year 2023 – 2024 with the theme “Eagle Leaders: Soaring with Innovation,” is about to end with many achievements and cherished memories. During this academic year, the #HomeOfTheEagles have confidently spread their wings in the sky of knowledge, reaped many remarkable achievements, and built for themselves a solid foundation for success in their future careers. The students’ efforts have painted an extremely vivid and colorful overall picture. To recognize their excellence, PennSchool is organizing a School Year Exhibition with the theme “Eagle Leaders: Journey to Young Digital Citizens.”

    Coming to the School Year Exhibition, Parents will have the opportunity to witness with their own eyes the majestic academic projects, demonstrating the extensive knowledge of #HomeOfTheEagles in all fields. Kevin, President of the Student Council Primary School, shared that: “I want to convince Parents to attend because, in this event, they will know about what we have learned at school. Furthermore, they will discover our strengths and help us enhance our abilities, which can help us a lot. Beside that, he Parents’ presence at this special event will motivate us to constantly strive in our studies and in completing our projects.” Each project and model in Math, Science, English Language Arts, and many other subjects are carried out by #HomeOfTheEagles using all the knowledge and skills accumulated throughout the academic year along with creativity. 

    Le Ngoc Minh Thu – a student of Class VAP-6B said: “In each class, the teachers have conveyed to me and my classmates a lot of knowledge on different subjects. If in Math, we learn about numbers, Divisors and Multiples, and Mixed Numbers; in Natural Sciences, we engage in practical experiments and are introduced to phenomena related to Physics, Chemistry, and Biology; in Literature, we learn a lot of interesting knowledge from lessons about life as well as understand how to behave with other people. The common point is that all subjects are implemented by the School with the Project-based Learning method. This is also a learning method that I really like.”

    The School Year Exhibition is also a special opportunity for Parents to evaluate their children’s progress throughout the academic year as well as the effectiveness of the curriculum and teaching methods that are being applied in the School, especially the Project-based Learning method that Minh Thu shared. Coming to the event, Parents will have the opportunity to witness #HomeOfTheEagles showing off their personalities and talents at the event and listening to the students share about the projects in the exhibition. Here, Parents can also give stars to the projects they are most impressed with.

    Besides academic projects, the School Year Exhibition is also a big stage for #HomeOfTheEagles to show off their artistic potential in front of their families. Accordingly, each art performance carries different messages, expressing stories and beautiful memories of student life. These are elaborate performances of musical instruments, singing, dancing, and drama. The #HomeOfTheEagles all put their whole hearts and souls into practicing their performances. Through that, they will shine with all their hard work.

    Expressing her excitement at having the opportunity to carry out art projects for the event, Nguyen Le Bao Ngoc – a student of Class VAP-11 – shared: “We calculated the design ideas, size, pattern, and color of the cardboard pieces carefully so that when assembled into the big picture, the finished product would ensure overall harmony. The atmosphere while working on the project was extremely bustling. I and Quynh Nhu came up with the design together. Hanh Nguyen, Dong Nhi, Kaitlyn, and Gia An were in charge of coloring our project, while the rest helped with related tasks. Everyone in the class was excited about this extremely interesting project. We hope that the class’ products will be recognized and that our parents will attend the School Year Exhibition to witness our creative and extremely meaningful contributions.”

    With investment in research, from topic preparation to finished product development, each project displayed at the event promises to leave memorable impressions for Parents. Hoang Tran Binh Minh – a student of Class ADP-11 – devoted a lot of enthusiasm to researching and implementing a project on cancer treatment outside of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in Biology in the third quarter of this academic year. Accordingly, she and her friends were asked to write a short article outlining suitable medical examinations and treatment methods for a cancer patient. “One interesting part of my research was to discover the different types of modern cancer treatments available for breast cancer. As I delved into my cancer research project on hormonal therapy for breast cancer, I found myself immersed in a new world of knowledge. The idea of finding the best treatment for a patient filled me with a sense of purpose and determination. By immersing myself in the intricacies of this treatment option, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of its potential benefits and challenges. I think that cancer research is always a dynamic and ever-evolving field. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve the lives of individuals affected by this disease.”- Binh Minh shared.

    PennSchool believes that the presence of Parents at the event is a great gift of encouragement, motivating students to constantly learn, be creative, and become more confident on their upcoming journey to conquer knowledge. Therefore, the School and the students are very happy and honored to welcome Parents to attend the event.

    Information about the School Year Exhibition

    – Time & Date: 16:00 – 21:00 | April 5, 2024

    – Location:

    • 10 Ba Thang Hai Campus
    • Hoa Binh Theater: 240 Ba Thang Hai, Ward 12, District 10, HCMC

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