About us

Operating from the school year 2020-2021, PennSchool is proud to be the ideal school for students to enhance students’ potential in an international environment.


Pennschool provides high-quality academic programs integrated with prestigious American educational programs in a comprehensive bilingual environment, preparing students with the optimal foundation to become talented and confident global leaders in the future.


PennSchool has rolling enrollment throughout the year at all grades and the Admissions Team will provide a supportive and experience which help parents to have the best decisions.

Our Service

PennSchool offers a wide range of support services to ensure the students’ physical and mental health, helping them to learn and experience effectively.

News & Events

The latest events and news at PennSchool will be continuously updated to provide the useful information for students and parents.

Student Life

Not only improving knowledge, PennSchool students also participate in many extra activities, helping to build essential skills for the future.

Hall Of Fame

PennSchool is proud to train the next generations who are happy learners, discover, find the joy of learning and become lifelong learners.



Letter from the Board of Principals

Welcome parents and students to the October E-newsletter of Pennschool,

Last October really became a “boom” milestone both in learning and participating in events of Eagles warriors. After 10 weeks of passionate and enthusiastic study efforts, the students ended the first quarter, and at the same time, they also built and trained themselves in a way of learning that is suitable for the current environment, meets the requirements of the subject, and complete the assignments given by the teachers. In addition, the students enrolled in the Vietnamese program have also successfully completed the midterm exam and are ready for the next learning phase of term I.

On the occasion of Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20, the school organized a series of activities to honor the beauty of women and received a lot of attention and participation from the PennSchool community. The first activity is an exhibition of paintings about mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and women whom students love and cherish, there are more than 30 artworks on display in the lobby exhibition area. Next is the contest “Capture her beauty” – send photos of the most beautiful moments of the woman that the students love. And finally, there are practical classroom activities such as arranging flowers and writing cards to give to mom and grandma.

In addition, an activity that the school always wants to organize regularly to help students not only strengthen their physical training but also improve the team spirit in the PennSchool community is the Sports Fest for Eagles warriors between the Houses of Aqua – Ignis – Terra – Ventus. Competitions including soccer, 100m run, relay run, jump sacks, and tug of war received great participation and enthusiasm from the students – it was a great success. The most special thing in this event was the impressive debut performance of the Primary and Secondary Cheerleading teams in the background of the traditional house song “Go Eagles, Go”. From now on, Eagles warriors, keep moving forward – we have an official cheerleading team in the PennSchool community.

October closes with the traditional cultural event – Halloween. With spectacular costumes from students of all levels on October 31, and annual activities on this occasion such as Trick or Treat, Ghost Tour, Mummy Race, taking pictures and Halloween scenes have received a positive response from the Eagles – promising more fun and creative Halloween seasons in the coming years.

In the coming November, PennSchool will continue to implement programs and activities in response to Books week, premiere an award Film Festival for high school students, and activities for Vietnam Teachers’ Day 20/11 and Thanksgiving Day. In parallel with these activities, Eagles warriors should always maintain their readiness and proactive spirit in their studies to always achieve the best results in learning. We believe that, with rich programs that combine knowledge learning and skill training, students will be inspired to learn for life and gain more qualities to succeed in life.

Finally, the Board of Principals of PennSchool would like to wish the parents and students good health, luck and much joy in life. Sincere thanks to the parents who have accompanied, trusted and devotedly support the school during the past time.

Best regards.

The Board of Principals of PennSchool

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