About us

Operating from the school year 2020-2021, PennSchool is proud to be the ideal school for students to enhance students’ potential in an international environment.


Pennschool provides high-quality academic programs integrated with prestigious American educational programs in a comprehensive bilingual environment, preparing students with the optimal foundation to become talented and confident global leaders in the future.


PennSchool has rolling enrollment throughout the year at all grades and the Admissions Team will provide a supportive and experience which help parents to have the best decisions.

Our Service

PennSchool offers a wide range of support services to ensure the students’ physical and mental health, helping them to learn and experience effectively.

News & Events

The latest events and news at PennSchool will be continuously updated to provide the useful information for students and parents.

Student Life

Not only improving knowledge, PennSchool students also participate in many extra activities, helping to build essential skills for the future.

Hall Of Fame

PennSchool is proud to train the next generations who are happy learners, discover, find the joy of learning and become lifelong learners.



Library Week

Nội dung bài viết

    The library has always been a favorite destination at PennSchool, where students are free to explore and get knowledge. The library week has given a chance for them to fulfill their passions.

    Through the library week, each student has a different emotion when having an opportunity to read interesting books and find out the reading benefits.


    “This library week allowed students to rediscover or rekindle their love of books, reading, or simply to find greatness in the peace that the library provides.

    This Library week provided us with book reading sessions, followed by reviewing the books. There were different counters where different publishers had presented their work, some described the process of publishing, while some taught a few tricks of creative writing. Furthermore, there were also lectures delivered by eminent writers. Thanks to Mr. Hiep and Mrs. Huong, this library week was packed with a myriad of activities that were enjoyed by all”.

    Dang Gia Han – ADP11B


    This is also the same emotion of Hoang Doan Bao Thy of class B7.

    “Our school’s Reading Week was a fantastic experiment for me since it was the first time I had the opportunity to gain so much knowledge. I had the opportunity to read several amazing books, which provided me with a wealth of fresh information. “That’s the thing about books,” Jhumpa Lahiri once stated. They allow you to go without having to move your feet.” Reading not only expands your intellect, but it also allows you to view new things with fresh eyes, I am grateful to the school for giving us opportunities to learn new skills and information, Still, our school’s Reading Week was a great opportunity for students to explore and learn, and most importantly, gain more experiences”.


    Through the library week, #Houseofeagles also introduced and reviewed some of their favorite books.

    “The story was all about a horse named Black Beauty. Black Beauty had to leave his mother to come to many owners. Some of them were great, some of them were terrible. But Black Beauty still kept his courage. Through the adventures of Black Beauty showed readers about real life out in the world. Readers could also feel happy when Black Beauty lived with a good owner, they could also feel sorrowful when Black Beauty lived with a bad owner. The Black Beauty story of Anna Sewell helped readers to have courage and be kind”.

    Tan Y Lam – B5A


    Reading is not just about spending time reading, it is also an opportunity for us to learn and practice essential skills. With Truong Phuc Ngoc, class B5A, she chose an extremely familiar but also very interesting detective novel – Sherlock Holmes.

    “In the hundreds of Sherlock Holmes cases, my favorite one is the patchy ribbon story. One morning, a girl came to Holmes for help because of a strange situation. The girl said her sister had been dead for two years. On that unfortunate night, the girl heard her sister’s screams and the clatter of iron and when she rushed into the room, she saw her sister writhing, convulsing and then dying. After hearing this, Holmes went to her house, pondered for a moment, and came to a conclusion. He found out that the cause of her sister’s death was that her stepfather released a poisonous snake and then he was bitten to death by this red snake. The story is very interesting and meaningful: The stepfather must pay for his crimes, we also see the logical thought of the detective Sherlock Holmes.

    Through this story, I learned that I have to be able to observe my surroundings, be sensitive and analyze situations which can be applied in math. By analyzing, we can understand the problem. The stories give me valuable lessons.”


    “Overall, Library Week was a fantastic experience for me where students appreciated the effort and participated in good numbers. The best part is the activity of showing our appreciation for libraries and librarians around the world who are still making content available to us by making videos with our kind words followed by a picture of our favorite book. It has not only provided students with a break from the hard work they have been putting in for schoolwork, but it has also given the teachers some fun as well. I hope after this event, more students will develop the habit of reading”.

    Dang Gia Han – ADP11B

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